Create Vision, Not Just Goals

Karst Stone Paper BlogJanuary is all about Creating Vision. This month, we'll find ourselves resolving to save more, lose weight, or drop a bad habit. While these are all admirable goals and extremely common New Years Resolutions, Creating Vision is less about figuring out what we want, and more about figuring out why we want it.

This may seem counterintuitive—after all, we've included a daily goal for every weekly focus for every monthly theme. But the Karst 2018 Planner is more than just a place to maintain your to-do list. That's why we've started the year with Create Vision. Without knowing why we do what we do, these are simply another thing to check off the to-do list.

Karst stone paper blogIf you're having trouble creating a vision for yourself, ask questions that give you a direction: What are my values? What am I passionate about? What do I want the future to look like? If you're having trouble with this, then work in the other direction. List the things you want, and ask your self why you want them, and then keep asking why. For example, many of us want to eat healthier. Why? Because we want to be healthier... because we want to live longer... to spend more fulfilling quality time with our loved ones.

The answers to these questions can be more general and holistic, or can be catered for each aspect of your life—family, career, health, relationships. However you choose to apply this month's theme, it's important to start off the new year with goals that are in line with your vision. Vision works in two directions: it helps us remember why our simple tasks are worthwhile, and also helps us narrow down which responsibilities to take on when we're given many options.





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